Box for accessories and jewelry, 120х120х150mm, DIY kit #037

Box for accessories and jewelry, 120х120х150mm, DIY kit #037

Box for accessories and jewelry, 120х120х150mm, DIY kit #037
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Box for accessories and jewelry, 120х120х150mm, DIY kit #037Box for accessories and jewelry, 120х120х150mm, DIY kit #037 - 0Box for accessories and jewelry, 120х120х150mm, DIY kit #037 - 1Box for accessories and jewelry, 120х120х150mm, DIY kit #037 - 2Box for accessories and jewelry, 120х120х150mm, DIY kit #037 - 3Box for accessories and jewelry, 120х120х150mm, DIY kit #037 - 4
Шкатулка для бижутерии, аксессуаров, декора, 120х120х150мм, Набор DIY #37
Box for accessories and jewelry, 120х120х150mm, DIY kit #037Box for accessories and jewelry, 120х120х150mm, DIY kit #037 - 0Box for accessories and jewelry, 120х120х150mm, DIY kit #037 - 1Box for accessories and jewelry, 120х120х150mm, DIY kit #037 - 2Box for accessories and jewelry, 120х120х150mm, DIY kit #037 - 3Box for accessories and jewelry, 120х120х150mm, DIY kit #037 - 4
Item No: FDPO-037
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If you want to have a stylish and functional storage box that you can easily assemble and decorate to your own taste, then have a look at this neat box for storage of accessories and necessary small things. Dimensions: 120x120x150mm  More

Jewelry box (DIY kit) for storing jewelry, cosmetics, sewing supplies or accessories.

Beautiful and neat DIY jewelry box, made of high quality MDF 3 mm thick, ideal for storing jewelry, cosmetics and other small accessories. With its sleek and modern design, this jewelry box is both functional and stylish, making it a must-have addition to your dressing table.

Made from durable MDF, with no visible open joints, this jewelry box doesn't require additional sanding, making it an easy and hassle-free DIY project for anyone. Plus, if you're feeling creative, you can easily add your own personal touch by purchasing additional embellishing elements for decoration. Whether you prefer a classic, minimalist look or a more vibrant and colorful design, the possibilities for customization are endless.

You can paint the box to match your decor or create a unique and eye-catching design using scrapbooking or decoupage techniques. The result is a one-of-a-kind jewelry box that is truly yours.

So why wait? Create a stunning jewelry box that not only serves as a functional storage solution but also reflects your personality and style. Order your DIY jewelry box kit today and let your creativity shine!

How to assembly:

  • follow the attached step-by-step guide on how to assemble the parts;

  • if necessary glue the parts (use PVA glue or Deco wood professional glue by Fabrika Decoru);

After the parts are assembled and glued the jewerly box can be painted with acrylic paints by TM Fabrika Decoru or can be used as it is.

Note! Do not break the parts out of the base. Carefully cut the parts at the attaching points.


  • Size: 120х120х150 mm;

  • Material: 3mm thick MDF;

  • Does not contain any toxic substances;

  • Keep out of reach of children.

Made by TM “Fabrika Decoru”, Ukraine

Всім привіт! Сьогодні з Вами Ольга Гереджук @olgageredzhuk, і я хочу показати вам  коробочку із готової заготовки від Фабрики Декору. Кожного року я декорую коробочку для подарунку своїм подругам по черзі, щоб вони зберігали там свої прикраси. Фабрика Декору має вже готові заготовки скриньок рі ...
Hello everyone!Olga (@olgageredzhuk) is with you today.I want to share with you a spring gift box made of a blank from Fabrika Decoru.Nature inspires with its beauty in any season. Each season is beautiful in a special way. TM Fabrika Decoru has ready-made boxes of various sizes. You can decorate su ...
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